'Unity in diversity' in South African education: inciting ideas from Europe

Summary The motto of the South African Coat of Arms is ‘Unity in Diversity’. Interest groups are of the opinion that the present situation in education constitutes the unity, ignoring the principle of diversity, and that it does not support the provision of quality education for all. The aim of this article is to present some opinions from the Netherlands and Belgium regarding the education rights of minorities in South Africa. In-depth interviews, characteristic of qualitative research, as well as a literature study were employed as methods of research. The advice may be summarised as follows: • In terms of quality education provision, the general characteristics of education should be adhered to, especially regarding the usual differentiated support according to the unique needs of all learners. • Mother-tongue education is an important prerequisite to achieve quality education. The need to acquire suitable competence in a lingua franca is emphasised. • The concepts ‘unity’ and ‘diversity’ in education should not be regarded as opposing concepts. • Do not force the issue of unity and diversity in education. • Educators and school officials committed to the principles of unity and diversity, language rights of minority groups and equality of educational opportunities should play a more prominent role in the political process of educational policy and decision making.
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