Anaesthetic efficacy of thiopental: Propofol admixture and propofol as total intravenous anaesthesia in dog

The present study was commenced to evaluate the anaesthetic efficacy of Propofol in comparison with Thiopental-Propofol 1:1 V/V admixture in 12 clinical canine patients presented for various surgical interventions. Irrespective of age, sex, breed and surgical intervention these cases were divided in two groups (n=6). In group A admixture of Thiopental-Propofol 1:1 V/V was used @ 7mg/kg body weight and in group B Propofol was used @ 4 mg/kg body weight. To evaluate the anaesthetic efficacy Assessment of anaesthesia, Clinico-physiological parameters and Haemato-Biochemical parameters were studied. Quality of anaesthesia was comparatively better in group A. There was a better cardiopulmonary stability in group A throughout study period as compared to group B with a significantly lower rectal temperature in group A. In haematological studies Hb, PCV, TEC exhibited a decreasing trend with Neutrophilia and lymphopenia in both groups. Biochemical parameters such as AST, ALT, BUN and creatinine were increased in group A, but were within normal physiological range throughout the period of study in both the groups. Group B showed significantly increased level of Glucose. The admixture of thiopental sodium and propofol 1:1 V/V can be safely implemented as general anaesthesia for various surgical interventions in dogs.
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