[The FTA-abs test in the diagnosis of congenital syphilis].

: Present survey has analysed the results obtained from 13 children whose FTA-abs (IgG) test proved to be positive. For assessing their anti-Treponemal and reaginic antibodies, the RPR, passive hemagglutination (MHA-TP) and FTA-abs trials were carried out, the existence of specific IgG and IgM being noticed from the latter. Out of the 13 samples subject to our analyses, 7 showed some specific IgM antibodies, with the existence of a congenital syphilis being clinically assessed from three of them, whereas the remaining 6 samples only showed some IgG antibodies. The need for an early diagnosis during the first and third quarters of pregnancy is indicated, through a reaginic (RPR o VDRL) trial or a treponemic (MHA-TP) one, as well as the assessing of anti-Treponema pallidum antibodies in the umbilical cord blood, where a positive luetic serology appears to be the case during the period of pregnancy.
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