Clinical peculiarities ofmycoplasmainfection in children with community pneumonia

Aim: of our study was to distinguish some peculiarities of clinical manifestation in respiratory mycoplasma infection in children. Methods: We examined 330 children 7 years old and younger with community pneumonia with wheezing. The study group–110 children (67,9%:95%CI,60,1-75) with M.pneumoniae infection, 52(32,1%:95%CI,25-39,9) with M.hominis ; control group–168 patients (50,9%:95%CI,45,4-56,4) without Mycoplasma . In both groups males were predominate versus females. So, in M.pneumoniae positive group males had 54,5%:95%CI,44,8-64,1, females only 45,5%:95%CI,35,9-55,2. The same frequency was distinguished in M.hominis -group: 55,8%:95%CI,30,5-58,7 males versus 44,2%:95%CI,30,5-58,7 females, in control group 60,1%:95%CI,52,3-67,6 males, 39,9%:95%CI,32,4-47,7 females. Results: Clinical manifestations in onset of pneumonia induced by M.pneumoniae or M.hominis is characterized by dry, irritant cough (45,2% infants, 25,0% toddlers). Fever of 37,3–37,6°C was characteristic for M.pneumoniae infection versus M.hominis group with the different types of fever, such as hyperthermia, hyperpyrexia, χ 2 =13,57;p 2 =3,6;p>0,05) versus pneumonia induced by other microorganisms. Conclusions: Mycoplasma infection is characterized by clinical polymorphism and induces longer evolution of diseases and argues etiologic confirmation for application of macrolide treatment.
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