Rasgos de personalidad y su influencia en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del primer año de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa Bernardo Valdivieso de la ciudad de Loja en el periodo enero-julio 2015.

Since personality influences how individuals act, the educational sphere can also be affected causing problems in academic performance. That is why this research whose main objective is proposed; Knowing the personality traits and their influence on the academic performance of students in the first year of high school of the Education Unit "Bernardo Valdivieso" in the city of Loja in the period January-July 2015, and as specific objectives determine personality traits analyze the academic performance and personality traits compare with the academic performance of students investigated. The proposed methodology of the research is based on a study descriptive - analytical, where he investigated a sample consisting of 72 high school students and applied psychological instruments were the personality test Millon-III and academic report the general secretary of the school. The results found that paranoid personality traits, narcissistic, antisocial academic performance achieved a 4.01 to 8.99 points out of 10, while compulsive score from 9.0 to 10 out of 10. It is therefore recommended strengthen and enhance the positive characteristics of each trait to improve yield and performance in the bio-psycho-socio-cultural fields. Keywords: Personality Traits, Personality, Academic Performance.
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