Site-selective agonist binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica

Fluorescent energy transfer measurements of dansyl-C6-choline binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo californica were used to determine binding characteristics of the ay and αδ binding sites. Equilibrium binding measurements show that the ay site has a lower fluorescence than the αδ site; the emission difference is due to differences in the intrinsic fluorescence of the bound fluorophores rather than differences in energy transfer at the two sites. Stopped-flow fluorescence kinetics showed that dissociation of dansyl-C6-choline from the AChR in the desensitized conformation occurs 5-10-fold faster from the ay site than from the αδ site. The dissociation rates are robust for distinct protein preparations, in the presence of noncompetitive antagonists, and over a broad range of ionic strengths. Equilibrium fluorescent binding measurements show that dansyl-C6-choline binds with higher affinity to the αδ site (K = 3 nM) than to the ay site (K = 9 nM) when the AChR is desensitized. Similar affinity differences were observed for acetylcholine itself. The distinct dissociation rates permit the extent of desensitization to be measured at each site during the time course of binding. This sequential mixing method of measuring the desensitized state population at each agonist site can be applied to study the mechanism of AChR activation and subsequent desensitization in detail.
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