Parallel patterns: convolution: An introduction to stencil computation

This chapter presents convolution as an important parallel computation pattern. While convolution is used in many applications such as computer vision and video processing, it also represents a general pattern that forms the basis of many parallel algorithms. We start with the concept of convolution. We then present a basic parallel convolution algorithm whose execution speed is limited by DRAM bandwidth for accessing both the input and mask elements. We then introduced the constant memory and a simple modification to the kernel and host code to practically eliminate all the DRAM accesses. This is followed by an input tiling kernel that eliminates most of the DRAM accesses for the input elements. We show that the code can be simplified with data caching in more recent devices. We then move into a 2D convolution kernel, along with an analysis of the effectiveness of tiling as a function of tile sizes for 1D and 2D convolution.
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