Famílias e estilo de vida saudável: um estudo de caso

A Federal University in Northeast of Brazil has been enlarging its activities on the five Campi. On its structure, one group stands out, the families who live around the academic unities of Porangabussu Campus. It aims to apprehend the social representations about the lifestyle of families with approach on their life activities. The case study, which was made with 30 families, happened from September 2006 to March 2007, and were used: semi-strutured interview; participative observation; photography of place's Campus, and the working out of a testimony about the choice. It was used the Bardin Contents Analysis (1977) and the Robert Ott approach (1997) for photographs. The representations were organized in five categories, being the main representation, the lack of infra-structure and security on the Campus. Based on the Ropper, Logan and Tierney Nursing Model (1990), it was found that all life activities were changed and the most affected were: safe environment, 23.9%; breath, work and distraction, with 13, 3% each, and sleep, 9.6%. About the photography's technique, the Structure of the Campus (33.7%) and the aesthetics (37.6%) were the most represented. The study allowed the knowledge of the reality experienced by families and the need for changes in this place.(AU) Uma Universidade Federal do Nordeste do Brasil vem ampliando suas atividades nos cinco Campi. Na sua estrutura, um grupo destaca-se, o das familias que residem nas circunvizinhancas das unidades academicas do Campus Porangabussu. Objetivou-se apreender as representacoes sociais sobre o estilo de vida destas, com enfoque nas atividades de vida. O estudo de caso, realizado com 30 familias aconteceu de setembro de 2006 a marco de 2007, sendo utilizadas: entrevista semiestruturada; observacao participante; fotografia de um local do Campus e elaboracao de depoimento sobre a escolha. Utilizou-se analise de conteudo, de Bardin (1977) e abordagem de Robert Ott (1997) para as fotografias. As representacoes foram organizadas em cinco categorias, sendo a principal, a falta de infra-estrutura e seguranca no Campus. Com base no Modelo de Ropper, Logan e Tierney (1990), constatou-se que todas as atividades de vida estavam alteradas e as mais afetadas foram: Ambiente Seguro, 23,9%; Respirar, Trabalhar e Distrair-se, com 13,3% cada qual; e Sono, 9,6%. Quanto a tecnica da fotografia, Estrutura do Campus (33,7%) e Estetica (37,6%) foram as mais representadas. O estudo permitiu o conhecimento da realidade vivenciada pelas familias e a necessidade de mudancas no local.(AU)
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