Complete congenital absence of the pericardium: An incidental finding

Abstract A 62-year-old male presented with generalized aches and pains accompanied by night sweats and weight loss. Clinical examination was unremarkable and the chest X-ray was reported as normal. Subsequent computed-tomography thorax and bone marrow aspirate diagnosed a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Prior to commencing chemotherapy, a routine echocardiography proved technically difficult and reported abnormal ventricular function. Following a cardiology review, a cardiovascular magnetic resonance scan was requested which demonstrated congenital absence of the pericardium and a normal ventricular function. The patient was asymptomatic and therefore continued on to chemotherapy treatment for the large B-cell lymphoma. Learning objective: Congenital complete absence of the pericardium (CCAP) is a rare condition that often presents atypically and is detected incidentally. Multi-parametric, non-invasive cardiac imaging such as cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is the gold-standard diagnostic tool. CCAP is usually asymptomatic and does not require any surgical intervention. However, symptomatic patients who may be at risk of serious complications require surgical treatment such as pericardiotomy or pericardioplasty. Routine investigations such as the electrocardiogram, the chest X-ray, and the echocardiography may raise clinical suspicions of CCAP as demonstrated in this case report.>
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