Charge-exchange quasielastic process $nd\to p(nn)$ under $0^\circ$ in the frame of elastic $np\to np$ scattering to $180^\circ$

It is considered the problem of spin physics related with the difference of representation of the elastic interaction between the neutron and proton. In the first case the charge-exchange reaction $np\to pn$ under the angle $\theta$ is supposed, in the second --- the simple elastic scattering of $np\to np$, when the neutron is going in opposite direction $\pi-\theta$. The transition from one representation to another is provided by the Majorana operator. In the framework of impulse approximation it is twice calculated the quasi-elastic charge-exchange reaction of a neutron on a deuteron. In the frame of $nd\to p(nn)$ scattering of proton to the angle $\theta$ it gives the well-known Dean formula. Using other representation $nd\to (nn)p$ as a neutron elastic scattering under the angle $\pi-\theta$ (together with neutron-spectator in $nn$-pair) the alternative formula is presented.
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