A randomised controlled trial of senior Lay Health Mentoring in older people with ischaemic heart disease: The Braveheart Project

Objective: to examine the effects and feasibility of educating and empowering older people with ischaemic heart disease using trained senior lay health mentors. Design: randomised controlled trial with blinded evaluation. Setting: Falkirk and District Royal InWrmary. Participants: inpatients and outpatients aged 60 or over attending secondary care with a diagnosis of angina or acute myocardial infarction. Three-hundred and nineteen entered and 289 completed exit assessments. The intervention group took part in mentoring groups for 1 year, meeting monthly for 2 hours, each led by two trained lay health mentors in addition to standard care. Main outcome measures: primary outcome measures were changes in coronary risk factors, medication usage and actual use of secondary care health services. Secondary outcomes were total and cardiovascular events; changes in medication compliance, non-medical support requirement, health status and psychological functioning, and social inclusion. Results: there were signiWcant improvements in a reported current exercise score (mean +0.33, +0.02 to +0.52), in the average time spent walking per week by 72 minutes (+1 to +137 minutes), and in the SF36 Physical Functioning Score (+6.1, +2.4 to +9.5). There was a 1.0% reduction in total fat (95% CI −3.0% to −0.6%) and a 0.6% reduction in saturated fat (95% CI −1.5% to −0.03%). The intervention group showed reduced outpatient attendance for coronary heart disease (−0.25 appointments, −0.61 to −0.08). Attendance rates were high. Socio-economic grouping did not affect participation. Conclusions: Lay Health Mentoring is feasible, practical and inclusive, positively inXuencing diet, physical activity, and health resource utilisation in older subjects with ischaemic heart disease without causing harm.
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