"ERA" laboratorio de arqueología experimental: entre la prehistoria y el medio ambiente

espanolUn proyecto cultural cargado de intenciones educativas es lo que pretende evidenciar la empresa gaditana de gestion sociocultural ERA. Participar de la educacion de los estudiantes, desde infantil a la universitaria, no es facil pero se trata de una experiencia que se pretende llevar a cabo, por ejemplo, que a traves del juego y la convivencia. Igualmente, educar en y con la familia se hace imprescindible y, por ello, evidenciamos talleres para la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo coherente del medio ambiente. La preocupacion ambiental es notable y, en este sentido, iremos a poner de relieve algunas de nuestras intenciones educativas pues “Solo se puede amar y respetar aquello que se conoce”. EnglishThe Cadiz-based company ERA, dedicated to socio-cultural management, sets out to set up a programme dedicated to cultural and educative ends. To participate in the education of students, from their primary school years right up to university is not easy, but our project aims to do this through the role of play and the act of living together with classmates. At the same time, family plays a vital role in education educating, and for this reason we have also set up workshops that deal with environment and sustainable development. This concern for the environment is primordial and for this reason we shall pay particular attention to the educative premise that says, “One can only love and respect that which one knows.”
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