Active field control using sound field generation techniques Case study of a live concert at a virtual Renaissance church

In the Renaissance area, musical culture was centered at and spread across churches. In order to appreciate Renaissance music, therefore, it is important to account for the influence of acoustics of churches at that era so that audiences today can experience homogeneous musical appreciation. We used an Active Field Control system to create the acoustics using measured the impulse responses (IRs) of a church. The system consists of directional microphones, head amps, a convolution engine, a matrix processor, amplifiers, and loudspeakers. And it picks up the direct response of performance, convolves it with the measured IRs, and reproduces the resulting sound using loudspeakers around the room. Loudspeaker positions in the performance hall are equivalent to the positions where the IRs had been measured at the church. This technique allows us to convincingly recreate not only the reverberation time but also the spatial impressions of the church at the performance hall. In addition, we modified the IRs so tha...
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