Analyzing powers for the {sup 2}H({ital {rvec p}},{ital pn}){sup 1}H reaction at 200 MeV

We measured the analyzing power {ital A}{sub {ital y}} and the triple differential cross section {ital d}{sup 3}{sigma}/{ital d}{Omega}{sub {ital pd}}{Omega}{sub {ital ndE}}{sub {ital p}} for the {sup 2}H({ital {rvec p}},{ital pn}){sup 1}H reaction at 200 MeV. Coplanar coincidence data were taken for all combinations of neutron angles {theta}{sub {ital n}}=35{degree}, 45{degree}, or 55{degree} with proton angles {theta}{sub {ital p}}=35{degree}, 45{degree}, or 52{degree}. Protons were detected with a {Delta}{ital E}-{ital E} telescope with a 1000-{mu}m silicon surface barrier {Delta}{ital E} detector and a plastic scintillator {ital E} detector. Neutrons were detected with large-volume plastic scintillators at flight paths of 17.5 or 18 m. The overall neutron separation-energy resolution was about 3 MeV. Data are compared with plane-wave impulse-approximation calculations with a Hulthen deuteron wave function and {ital p}-{ital n} cross sections and analyzing powers obtained from {ital N}-{ital N} phase shifts. The agreement between these calculations and the data is generally good for the cross sections. The agreement for the analyzing powers is good near the point of zero recoil momentum. Our results suggest that the deuteron is a good ``neutron target`` for recoil momenta {lt}100 MeV/{ital c}.
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