Characterization and Treatment of Wastewater from Sapphire Textile Industry, Pakistan

The characterization of textile effluents was carried out with reference to COD, BOD, TSS, Chlorides, pH values and Heavy metals. The pollution in Sapphire textile effluents is due to the chemicals used in processes like dying, finishing, bleaching and washing. Different chemicals like starch, enzymes, caustic soda and dyes are used in these processes. Wastewater samples were taken before and after treatment. The untreated waste water samples were analyzed for BOD, COD, pH, Turbidity, TDS, TSS, Zn, Cu and Iron. The analysis of samples indicates high values of all the parameters; BOD from 219 mg/l to 248 mg/l COD 438 to 496 mg/l, pH 9.25 to 10.5, turbidity 86 to 91, TDS 1955 to 2002 TSS 56 to 65 mg/l Iron 2.01 to 2.9 mg/l Zinc 0.06 to 0.09 mg/l and concentration of Copper from 0.06 to 0.09 mg/l. Untreated wastewater from the mainstream enters into the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plant is designed for biological treatment of the effluent. In the treatment plant bacteria are allowed to grow and multiply by using the effluents as nutrients. The treated wastewater is discharged into mainstream Hudyara Drain. The analysis reports of treated wastewater indicate the remarkable change in the parameters; BOD from 6.2 mg/l to 10.2 mg/l COD 64 to 71 mg/l, pH 7.65 to 8.3, turbidity 19 to 22, TDS 2025 mg/l to 2253 mg/l, TSS 17 to 21 mg/l, Iron 0.64 to 1.23 mg/l, Zinc 0.05 to 0.08 mg/l and Copper from below detection limits to 0.08 mg/l. The analysis reports of untreated and treated wastewater indicate that the wastewater treatment plant is useful for the significant reduction of pollutant concentration.
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