"Development of Open-Ended Learning Based Learning Modules in Ipa Learning Theme 6 My Aspirations in Class IV Elementary School 34 Air Pacah".

DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING-BASED MODULE OPEN ENDED LEARNING IN LEARNING IPA THEME 6 MY STORIES CLASSED IV SDN 34 BRACED WATER ABSTRACT This study aims to describe and develop a valid Open Ended Learning (OEL) based science learning module for grade IV at SD Negeri 34 Air Pacah. The type of research used is the development (Research and Development) by using a 3-D model modification, which consists of the stages of define, design, and development. The questionnaire validator consisted of 1 material validator lecturer, 1 design validator lecturer and 1 language validator lecturer. Based on the results of the research, the module validation which was carried out from the aspect of science material received an assessment of 3.60, from the display aspect it obtained an assessment of 3.40 and from the aspect of language obtained an assessment of 3.90. Seen the average score for the assessment of the OEL-based science learning module that gets an overall score of 3.63 with a very valid category. While the practicality test was not carried out because researchers could not carry out research at school due to the Covid 19 pandemic. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the OEL-based science learning module produced is very valid for use in science learning so that it can be used in science learning in class IV SD. Keywords: Module Development, Open Ended Learning, Science
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