Damla yöntemiyle sulanan kavunda farklı sulama programlarının meyve verimi ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri

Ankara Universitesi Ayas Bahce Bitkileri Arastirma Istasyonunda 2004, 2005 ve 2006 yurutulen bu calismada, sulanmayan deneme konusu (S0) yaninda Kantalop Sally F1, Yuva ve Kirkagac cesidi kavunlara (Cucumis melo L.), damla yontemi ile dikimden baslayarak ciceklenme (S1), meyve olusumu (S2), olgunlasma (S3) ve hasat baslangicina kadar (S4) sulama suyu uygulanmistir. Uygulanan sulama programlari, her uc cesitte de surgun sayisi, erkek ve disi cicek sayilari, meyve buyuklugu uzerinde etkili olmamistir. Ayrica, sulama programlarinin Kirkagac ve Yuva cesitlerinde meyve sayisi, Kantalop cesidinde kuru madde, Kantalop ve Kirkagac cesitlerinde titrasyon asitligi ve Kantalop cesidinde tat puani uzerindeki etkileri de onemli bulunmamistir. Her uc cesitte de sulama sezonu uzadikca surgun uzunlugunun arttigi saptanmistir. Sulama sezonu uzadikca, Kantalop cesidinde meyve sayisi, Kantalop ve Kirkagac cesitlerinde meyve verimi artmis, buna karsin, Yuva ve Kirkagac cesidinde kuru madde ve tat puanlarinda dusme olmustur. Sulamalarin olgunlasma periyodun da devam ettirilmesi, her uc cesitte meyve agirligini, Yuva cesidinde ise meyve verimini onemli duzeyde etkilememistir.Arastirma alani kosullarina gore, damla yontemiyle sulanan Kantalop cesidinde sulamalarin hasat baslangicina kadar (S4), Yuva ve Kirkagac cesitlerinde olgunlasma baslangicina kadar (S3) surdurulmesini en uygun sulama programlari oldugu onerilmistir. Abstract              This study was conducted in the fields of the Horticulture Research Institute of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, in the vegetation season of 2004, 2005 and 2006. Beside non-irrigation treatment (S0), Cantaloupe Sally F1, Yuva and Kirkagac cultivars of melon were full irrigated from transplantation until the beginning of flowering (S1), fruit set (S2), fruit ripening (S3) and harvest (S4).For all cultivars, the applied irrigation programs did not affect shoot number, male and female flower numbers per plant, and fruit size. While, shoot length increased with increasing the duration of irrigation season, hence seasonal irrigation water amount applied. Irrigation treatments did not significant affect fruit number per plant in Yuva and Kirkagac, soluble solids content in Cantaloupe, titratable acidity in Cantaloupe and Kirkagac, and ratings of sensory characteristic in Cantaloupe.An increment was found for fruit number per plant in Cantaloupe, and yield in Cantaloupe and Kirkagac, however, reduction of soluble solids content in fruit flesh and ratings of sensory characteristic in Yuva and Kirkagac were obtained.  Continuing irrigation during ripening stage did not significantly affect fruit weigh in all cultivars and fruit yield only in YuvaWith regard to high yield and fruit quality, it has been suggested that irrigation until harvest in  Cantaloupe and until fruit ripening in Yuva and Kirkagac, under semi-arid climatic conditions and drip irrigation.
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