Combinatorial matrix theory and generalized inverses of matrices

Skew Spectrum of the Cartesian Product of an Oriented Graph with an Oriented Hypercube.- Notes on Explicit Block Diagonalization.- The Third Immanant of q-Laplacian Matrices of Trees and Laplacians of Regular Graphs.- Matrix Product of Graphs.- Determinant of the Laplacian Matrix of Weighted Directed Graphs .- From Multivariate Skewed Distributions to Copulas.- Revisiting the BLUE in a Linear Model via Proper Eigenvectors.- Inference in Error Orthogonal Models.- On the Entries of Orthogonal Projection Matrices.- Moore-Penrose Inverse of Perturbed Operators on Hilbert Spaces.- The Reverse Order Law in Indefinite Inner Product Spaces.- Generalized Inverses and Approximation Numbers.- On the Level-2 Condition Number for Moore-Penrose Inverse in Hilbert Space.- Products and Sums of Idempotent Matrices over Principal Ideal Domain.- Perfect Semiring of Nonnegative Matrices.- Regular Matrices over an Incline.- Matrix Partial Orders associated with Space Preorder.- An Illustrated Introduction to Some Old Magic Squares from India.- Appendix: Report on CMTGIM 2012, Manipal.- Index
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