Preservation of the vegetative pelvic nerves and local reccurence in the operative treatment of rectal cancer.

A b s t r a c t: Life quality of the patients operated from rectal cancer is a serious problem. Despite the curing as a primary objective in the treatment of the rectal cancer, special attention is paid to the life quality upon the performed operation on the subjected patients. The analyzed series consists of 29 patients with rectal cancer, operated on at the Digestive Surgery Clinic within the framework of the Clinical Centre in Skopje, in the period between 2001–2006. Our series involves patients from the T2 and T3 stage of the illness, where it possible to preserve the vegetative pelvic nerves, that are characterized by a relatively long-lasting symptomatology and relatively high percentage of lymphatic metastases. The standardization of the operative intervention resulted in an increase in the number of patients with continuous operations and preservation of the neuro-vegetative plexus without influencing the radicalism of the intervention. The application of the Stapler and Double Stapler technique brought about an increase in the number of continuous operations characterized by a termino-terminal colorectal anastomosis. On the other hand the preventive creation of LOOP ileostomies in the case of the ultra low resections resulted in a decrease in the level of dehiscence of this type as one of the most common and most difficult complications. The preservation of the pelvic neuro-vegetative plexus prolongs the operation time by 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the case and the patient. We assume that the procedure does not have a particular influence on the frequency of the complications,
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