Trans-boundary Pests and Diseases: A threat in Agriculture

Food security is one of the most critical issue for humanity as well as agricultural production. The threats analysed were environmental degradation, climate change and diseases and pests of animals and plants. Transboundary diseases contribute substantially in pest and disease-induced global food loss which is approximately 1/3rd of annual food production. Some of Important transboundary diseases & pests are Brown Streak virus, banana bunchy top disease, greening disease of citrus, Powdery rust of coffee, Soybean downy mildew, Blue mold of tobacco, rust of maize, locusts, armyworm, fruit flies, cassava diseases and wheat rusts are among the most destructive transboundary plant pests and diseases. So as a protective measure, a country must have suitable contingency plans to respond quickly to high threat diseases. This could only be achieved by timely application of scientific technology for rapid response.
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