Studi Literatur: Uji Kemampuan Konsorsium Isolat Bakteri Selulolitik dalam Mempercepat Dekomposisi Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit:

Oil palm empty bunches are the largest solid waste produced by palm oil mills. Each processing of 1 ton of fresh fruit bunches produces 22–23% equivalent to 220–230 kg EFB. The alternative processing which is relatively cheap and easy is processing it into compost, composting lasts for ± 4-6 months because it contains 33.019% cellulose, 22.052% hemicellulose, 35.076% lignin. Composting can be accelerated by adding activators. The composting method using cellulolytic bacteria has been carried out in several stages. First, the composting is done in a pot using a pot lid made of black plastic tarpaulin. Second, rejuvenation of cellulolytic bacterial isolates. The third collection of composting raw materials in the form of EFB.Chemical parameters were analyzed such as observations of macro nutrient content (N, P, K) of compost carried out every 2 weeks until the 8th week. Nitrogen (N) nutrients were analyzed using the Kjeldahl method, Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) were analyzed using the Bray I method. SNI compost: 19−7030−2004. The best weight loss of compost resulted in 80.8−88.4%. On the nutrient content of N, P and K produced the best values, respectively, namely 2.07%, 1.82% and 6.59%. The results of the study on organic matter content produced the best value of 59.81%. Supporting observations are color and smell, ripe compost is black or brownish black and smells of soil.
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