A history of Canadian legal thought : collected essays

FOREWARD Introduction PART ONE The Classical Age: Canadian Legal Thought in the Late Nineteenth Century * Constitutional Scholarship in the Late Nineteenth Century: Making Federalism Work * A.H.F. Lefroy: Common Law Thought in Late-Nineteenth-Century Canada - On Burying One's Grandfather * Rights Talk in Canada in the Late Nineteenth Century: 'The Good Sense and Right Feeling of the People' * Blake and Liberty * John Skirving Ewart: The Legal Thought * Sir William R. Meredith, CJO: The Search for Authority PART TWO The Challenge of Modernity: Canadian Legal Thought in the 1930s * Volume One of the Journal: A Tribute and a Belated Review * The Scholars and the Constitution: POGG and the Privy Council * John Willis: A Tribute * The Many Minds of W.P.M. Kennedy * Canadian Law Teachers in the 1930s: 'When the World Was Turned Upside Down' PART THREE Postwar Developments * On the Road to Oz: Common Law Scholarship about Federalism after World War II
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