Pengaruh Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Brawijaya Utama Palembang

This research aims to investigate the effect of motivation on employees' performance in PT Brawijaya Utama Palembang. Data were collected through questionnaires containing 24 items and analysed with simple linear regression. The results show that the motivation equation on employees' performance is Y = 3.326 + 0.653X. This result states that if the value of motivation is zero, the value of employee performance is 3.326. Every increase in motivation by 1 will increase employees' performance by 0.653. Based on the t-test, the value of t-stat was 9,164 and the t-table was 1,667. The t-stat is greater than the t-table value of 9,164 > 1,667 with a sig value of 0,000 (under 0.05). These results indicate that motivation has a significant effect on employees' performance. The coefficient of determination (R2) was obtained at 0.549. It means the contribution of the influence of motivation on the performance of employees of PT Brawijaya Utama Palembang was 54.9%, while the remaining 45.1% was influenced by other variables that were not captured in this study.
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