Temperature Dependence of the Krokinobacter rhodopsin 2 Kinetics

Here we applied target analysis to a temperature dependent flash photolysis dataset of the light-driven sodium ion pump Krokinobacter rhodopsin 2 (KR2) at sodium pumping conditions. With an increase in temperature from 10 - 40 {degrees}C, the overall photocycle duration was accelerated by a factor of six, while single transitions like the L to M transition increased by a factor of 40. Using kinetic modeling with the Eyring constraint as well as spectral corrections on the datasets the spectral position as well as the equilibria of the different photointermediates could be resolved. The results provide further insight into KR2s photocycle and energetics. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCEKR2 is the most prominent member of the new class of non-proton cation pumps, as it represents an interesting new optogenetic tool. Despite widespread biophysical investigations, the molecular mechanisms of light-induced sodium pumping in KR2 are still not sufficiently understood. Therefore, an expanded set of thermodynamic parameters is essential for a complete picture. Our study of the KR2 photocycle shows that different steps in the photocycle are affected differently by temperature changes. Rigorous data analysis provides strong evidence that the transient states observed in time-resolved experiments represent rather equilibria between the different photocycle intermediates than pure intermediates. Gaining access to the dynamics and energetics of KR2 helps to answer long standing open questions concerning the molecular mechanism of cation pumping.
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