Selected photographs from the Arenig Fawr Exhibition at the Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock Abbey

Arenig, Fawr, a new series of Landscape photographs by photographic artist Matthew Murray, is a project in progress with the exhibition expected summer 2020. Arenig, Fawr will explore the landscape through textural & tonal characteristics of early photography processes, in response to and referencing early 20th century paintings made at Arenig, Fawr, North Wales, over a hundred years ago by Augustus John and J.D. Innes This new methodology will see Murray making new work that is experimental, the results of which will inform new approaches. The landscapes will be produced as a mixture of large scale, noble and 'art historical' photographs and smaller photographs using some early photography processes. The series will be beautiful and significant and show the exploration of place and identity, topical observation and the transformative moments within the landscape. ‘My landscape photographs are a personal expression, informed by how I feel rather than what I see.’ ‘This new approach will enable me to experiment, explore, investigate, research and understand a new methodology and inform and develop a new visual language.’ This new series builds on Murray’s strong research base and fulfils the potential of making new work that increases understanding of landscape photography - both as documentary but significantly as conceptual work harnessing strong ideas. Audiences will look at the Arenig, Fawr landscapes with fresh eyes, bringing their own experience, thoughts and emotions and engage in an accessible and yet thought provoking and challenging exhibition. The exhibited work will be accessible, immersive and of the highest quality enabling a positive and rich experience. Lacock Abbey, has been identified as an ideal venue because of the hugely important photographic history association and the fact that the exhibition space is democratic and there are no barriers to the gallery spaces.
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