Studies of the spread of non-radioactive pollutants in the Arctic using the generic model system (GMS)

The Arctic Ocean is threatened with contamination not only from the spread of radionuclides (Chapters 1, 3, and 4) but also by other toxic pollutants—for example, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), petroleum hydrocarbons, and heavy metals (AMAP, 2004, 2009)—see also the latter sections in Chapter 1. Although the levels of many POPs have recently declined in the Arctic environment (AMAP, 2009), “legacy” POPs contaminate the Arctic largely as a result of past use and emissions, and emerging and current-use POPs have the potential to transport to and accumulate in the Arctic. Significant increases in oil exploration on Arctic shelf seas and its transportation are foreseen for the near future (AMAP, 2007). These activities will lead to increased risks of oil contamination of the cold Arctic environment, including ice-covered waters.
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