Epidemiology of coronary heart disease: the Puerto Rico heart health program revisted.

: Coronary heart disease (CHD) remains as the main cause of death in most countries of the world including Puerto Rico. Due to the importance of gathering knowledge regarding the harmful effects and risk factors associated with the development of CHD some basic information is reviewed to stimulate the institution of measures for reduction of the prevalence of clinical CHD and its ultimate consequences. Special attention is given in the manuscript of the Puerto Rico Heart Health Program conducted in men aged 45-64 residing in four rural and three urban areas. The Puerto Rico and the Honolulu Study confirmed the initial publication on the epidemiology of coronary heart disease by the Framingham study. The presentation of some data collected among the three studies strengthen the message of avoiding the development of CHD by installing preventive measures for control and reduction of the risk factors. Concurrent data obtained in the three studies is presented. Although the degree of the involvement of the populations is higher in Framingham than in Puerto Rico and Honolulu, the deleterious effects of specific risk factors are harmful in all the three populations. Difference in the prevalence of risk factors among the urban and rural males in Puerto Rico is also illustrated. It is our hope that more intense measures be instituted in Puerto Rico at all levels in order to control risk factors and reduce the incidence of coronary disease in Puerto Rico.
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