Dating emplacement and evolution of the orogenic magmatism in the internal Western Alps: 2. The Biella Volcanic Suite

The high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Sesia–Lanzo zone are partly covered by a volcano-sedimentary unit, the Biella Volcanic Suite. Calc-alkaline and shoshonitic lavas extruded sub-aerially on the Oligocene surface. Uranium–Lead zircon dating yields 32.44–32.89 Ma for the eruption of the calc-alkaline lavas and therefore fixes a minimum age for the paleosurface. The Biella Volcanic Suite consists mainly of epiclastic rocks deposited in a high-energy fluvial environment and minor lava flows. The rocks of the suite display widespread post-eruption transformations. Illite and chlorite thermometry as well as fission track dating suggest a thermal overprint related to burial of the Biella Volcanic Suite. An upper crustal rigid block tilting in the area causes this burial. Hydrothermal tourmaline and ankerite veins related to the intrusion of the nearby Valle del Cervo Pluton crosscut the already tilted Biella Volcanic Suite. The intrusion age of Valle del Cervo Pluton at 30.39 ± 0.50 Ma sets therefore the lower time limit for tectonic processes responsible for the tilting and burial. After the burial, the Biella Volcanic Suite remained for around 20 million years between the zircon and the apatite partial annealing zone. The apatite fission track ages spread between 16 and 20 Ma gives the time frame for the second exhumation of these units. The Biella Volcanic Suite and the adjacent rocks of the Sesia–Lanzo zone were the second time exhumed to the surface in Messinian times, after a long residence time within the apatite partial annealing zone.
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