Influence of thymostimulin on the activity of certain enzymes of adenosine and AMP metabolism in lymphocytes of rats with mammary cancer

: The adenosine deaminase, 5'-nucleotidase, AMP-aminohydrolase and adenylate kinase activities and thymostimulin influence on these indices in vivo were studied in rat thymus and spleen lymphocytes in the latent period of DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis. The adenosine deaminase activity was established to increase while 5'-nucleotidase and AMF-aminohydrolase activity to decrease in the thymocytes of intact animals treated with thymostimulin; the adenylae kinase activity of spleen lymphocytes decreased as compared with that in the rats not treated with the preparation. The dynamics of changes in the investigated enzymes in activities in lymphocytes was of wave-like pattern in the latent period. The treatment of animals with thymostimulin in this period normalized adenosine deaminase activity and decreased the activity of the other enzymes in these cells.
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