Развитие цифрового потенциала транспортно-логистических систем с использованием инструментария платформенной концепции

Aim. The presented study aims to identify peculiarities in the formation of the digital potential of transport and logistics systems with allowance for the spread of industrial integrated digital platforms. Tasks. The authors describe the basic prerequisites for transformation in the transport and logistics industry in the context of digitalization; analyze modern digital technologies and the mechanism of their influence on the development of enterprises in the transport and logistics industry and formation of their digital potential; provide a brief overview of integrated digital platforms and assess their role in the development of transport and logistics systems. Methods. The study uses general scientific methods of description, the monographic method, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as applied methods of structural, systemic, and comparative economic analysis. Results. The digital transformation of economic systems gave birth to a new phenomenon — digital potential, the level and degree of implementation of which largely determine the trajectory of future socio-economic development and its success. Industry-specific peculiarities make it necessary to examine digital potential separately in relation to different industries. This study concerns the transport and logistics industry. At the current stage of economic and technological development, traditional logistics models are becoming less efficient — therefore, they need to be transformed. One of the key criteria for assessing the efficiency of transport and logistics systems is the level of digitalization of business processes and the level of development of digital potential. Analysis of the direction of digital transformations in the transport and logistics industry shows that they are determined by two main factors: changing customer needs and new consumer experiences associated with taking advantage of digitalization; adaptation of companies to digital changes and development of digital potential. The authors believe that the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are the most promising digital technologies in the transport and logistics sector. The study comparatively analyzes the advantages and risks associated with the implementation of these technologies in the transport and logistics industry. It is recommendable to implement shared use of these and other technologies through the launch of integrated digital platforms. The authors identify and analyze the distinctive features of instrumental and infrastructural digital platforms and recommend areas for their application. These platforms serve as the information core of networked transport and logistics systems, and their use leads to the emergence of electronic logistics systems (elogistics). Provision of transport and logistics services via integrated digital platforms increases the reliability and stability of supply chains, reduces delivery time, and makes it possible to predict how the situation will unfold, thus solving potential problems in the operation of transport and logistics systems. Conclusions. The developing digital potential of transport and logistics systems is one of the factors enabling sustainable and progressive development of the economy as a whole. This potential is realized through the introduction of integrated digital platforms, which serve as a basis for the formation of value chain ecosystems. Considering the high importance of these processes, it is advisable to provide support within the framework of the pursued state economic policy.
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