Direct-current catenary de-icing method of high-speed electrified railway

When the monitored DC ice melting ice catenary state, melting ice proposed requirements: The present invention discloses a high speed electrified railway catenary DC ice-melting method, comprising catenary DC input means and exit the ice-melting process, the process comprising inputs disconnect the remote control center by the power feeder switch and the respective catenary switches the traction power supply is switched from the substation to the conventional catenary state current ice melting operation state, and then close the respective switching DC switching substation melting ice, catenary switches and switch feeder, into direct current ice melting means; exit procedure comprising: means to stop operation of the ice melting, melting ice disconnect the corresponding DC switching switch, and the switch contact systems and feeders, thereby opening the ice melting substation and the contact means network connection, and closing the corresponding switches and catenary feeder switch, the switch to the feeder electric locomotives powered state. The present invention achieves the feature set systematic, safe and convenient and efficient operation and maintenance, flexible installation.
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