Получение поверхностно-активных веществ переэтерификацией глицериловых эфиров молочной кислоты с триацилглицеролами

Despite the widespread use of food surfactants, the existing technologies for their production are complex, multistep and energy intensive. Moreover, today in Ukraine there are no enterprises that could produce monoand diacylglycerols independently, so the domestic food industry enterprises have to buy food surfuctants abroad. The possibility of obtaining food surfuctants, namely lactic acid esters, monoand diacylglycerols, during the two-step process: the esterification of lactic acid with glycerol, followed by the transesterification of the obtained esters with triacylglycerols, is considered in the paper. The kinetics of the reaction behavior of the glycerol esterification with lactic acid by acid and ester numbers is presented, as well as a comparative characteristic of the emulsifying ability of the obtained product with industrial monoacylglycerols is given. The described method allows obtaining a food emulsifier with high surface-active properties.
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