NEGLECTED SOLUTION IN DENTAL ANXIETY: NITROUS/OXIDE SEDATION Dental Anksiyetede İhmal Edilen Çözüm: Azot Protoksit/Oksijen Sedasyonu

ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the efficiency of Nitrous oxide on patients with dental anxiety via Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS). Material and Methods: 22 patients (16 female, 6 male) whom MDAS total scores were at least 19 enrolled in this study. Prior to dental treatment patients were asked to fill the MDAS form and then patients sedated with nitrous oxide/oxygen. Patients were asked to fill the MDAS form again 1 hour later after the the symptoms of sedation disappeared. Scores of MDAS that were recorded before and after the dental treatments were compared with each other. Results: The mean of MDAS total scores were evaluated as 20.64±1.84 and 6.82±1.81 before and after the treatment respectively (p<0.001). When eachscores of questionsin MDAS form were compared with themselves that had been recorded before and after treatment, also there was a significant decrease found between the first and the second MDAS values (p<0.001). Conclusion: Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective sedation technique to reduce dental anxiety of patients who has MDAS scores at least 19. Keywords: Nitrous oxide, sedation, anxiety OZ Amac: Calismanin amaci Modifiye Dental Anksiyete Skalasi (MDAS) ile dental anksiyetesi belirlenmis hastalarda azot protoksit/oksijen sedasyonunun etkisini belirlemek. Gerec ve Yontem: MDAS toplam skorlari 19 ve uzeri olan 22 hasta (16 kadin, 6 erkek) dental girisim oncesinde azot protoksit/oksijen sedasyonu ile sedatize edilmis ve dental girisimden sonra hastalarin sedasyon belirtilerinin ortadan kalkmasini takiben 1 saat sonra Modifiye Dental Anksiyete Skalasi (MDAS) ile tekrar anksiyete olcumu yapilmis ve islem oncesinde kayit edilmis verilerle kiyaslanmistir. Bulgular: Calismaya katilan bireylerin islem oncesi ortalama MDAS toplam skorlari 20.64±1.84 iken islemden sonra yapilan olcumlerde bu oran 6.82±1.81 olarak belirlenmistir (p<0.001). Islem oncesi bireylerin MDAS'ta bulunan tum sorulara verdikleri cevaplar islem sonrasinda istatistiksel olarak azalmistir (p<0.001). Sonuc: Azot protoksit/oksijen sedasyonu MDAS toplam skorlari 19 ve uzeri olan bireylerde dental anksiyeteyi baskilamakta basarili sonuc vermektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Azotprotoksit, sedasyon, anksiyete
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