Ultrasound diagnosis and macroscopic post-mortem evaluation of hydrosalpinx in dairy goats: a case report

The oviduct plays a key role in the reproduction providing an ideal environment for the oocyte maturation, sperm capacitation, fertilization, and gamete and embryo transport. Hydrosalpinx is a pathology that can occur uni or bilaterally in the oviduct, affecting the reproductive function. In goats, it is considered of low frequency. The present study aims to describe ultrasound (US) images of two cases of hydrosalpinx associated with hydrometra in dairy goats. During the months of March and April of 2015, 20 Saanen goats aging 1 to 7 years, previously diagnosed with hydrometra by transrectal US (Mindray® M5Vet) scanning were monitored during their treatment. To reduce uterine contents, goats received three doses of 37.5 µg d-cloprostenol laterovulvar at 10 days apart (D0, D10 and D20). After the end of treatment, new US assessments were performed and it was noted that two goats of 2 and 3 years, weighting respectively 68.8 and 61.9 kg and body condition score of 4.5 (range 1-5), presented US images containing a large anechoic circumference (> 3 cm) laterally of the uterine horns. The initial image suggested the presence of ovarian cyst. However, due to the size of the observed structure, we opted for laparoscopy in the two females to assess the reproductive system. For the laparoscopic examination, the goats received 0.05 mg/Kg xylazine hydrochloride 2% and 5 mg/kg of ketamine hydrochloride 10% i.v. after water fasting and feeding of 24 hours. In both, there was an evidence of bilateral hydrosalpinx. Due to the reproductive history of infertility and the unfavorable prognosis in relation to reproductive activity, one of the goats was subjected to euthanasia according to ethical principles in animal testing of the Brazilian College of Animal Experimentation (COBEA). On both sides, the oviducts were dilated (about 6 mm at ampulla region) and filled with clear odorless liquid. The macroscopic analysis showed a cystic dilatation of each oviduct in the infundibulum region, with 10 cm (left) and 8 cm (right) in diameter. No malformation or segmental aplasia of the organ was detected. Adhesions were verified in both ovaries. It was concluded that the transrectal US exam associated with reproductive history represents an efficient tool in diagnosing hydrosalpinx in dairy goats.
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