Snoring: a analysis, m measurement, c clinical iimplications and a applications

Snoring: analysis, measurement, clinical implications and applications. F. Dalmasso, R. Prota. © ERS Journals Ltd. 1996. ABSTRACT: Snoring was described in literature even before medicine. Common definitions do not consider acoustic measurements of snoring. In this paper we dis- cuss the main pathophysiological aspects of snoring and the snoring-sleep relation- ship as the generating mechanisms. Snoring can be analysed and measured by the following methods: 1) Leq- Equivalent Continuous Sound Level, which only quantifies noisiness, annoyance, and damage to the partner's and snorer's hearing; 2) Power Spectrum, with fre- quency values, formantic structure data and typical shape, which can help to dis- tinguish simple snoring from heavy snoring with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS); 3) Linear Prediction Code (LPC) method, which can define the cross- sectional area (CSA) of the upper airways and which locates sites of obstruction. Simulated snoring analysis with LPC and with simultaneous fluoroscopy permits the definition of CSA and the identification of three snoring patterns: nasal, oral and oronasal. Snoring is an important sign of sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD), of the upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and of the OSAS. Snoring is a symptom of nasal obstruction and is associated with cardiovascular diseases and nocturnal asthma as a trigger or causative factor; however, its acoustic fea- tures in these disorders are not well-defined. Home monitoring of snoring is very useful for epidemiology and is mandatory, together with heart rate and arterial oxy- gen saturation (Sa,O2), to screen SRBD.
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