Process of crushing sprouted grains of rye, wheat and triticale in combined disperser dryer

One of promising products for obtaining natural food additives can be germinated grain of various cereals crushed to powder. Selection of mechanical impact method on germinated grain directly depends on physical-and-mechanical properties of the material. The most promising are drying and grinding installations of combined type based on interaction of suspended layer and grinding devices with blade rotor. It allows to ensure efficient use of shear and cut deformations to obtain the final product of the required particle size distribution. The paper presents results on study of mechanical impact methods on germinated grain and the least energy-intensive method is defined. It is determined that the most promising for grinding are units of combined type. Based on the research conducted, the design of combined dryer with integrated rotary chopper (disperser dryer) has been substantiated and practically implemented. Experimental test installation was designed and manufactured to study the process of thermomechanical processing of high-moisture food raw materials. It allows to implement and study drying and grinding combined processes. Mathematical model building task for grinding process of germinated grain in disperser dryer based on Lagrange method is considered. Mathematical model of grinding process of germinated grain in unit with twisted flow based on Rehbinder theory is proposed. Mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of germinated grain under uniaxial static immersion is obtained. Correlation of granulometric composition of finished product with performance of disperser dryer, temperature of drying agent, shredder rotor rotation speed, initial moisture content in germinated grain have been studied. Froude number is defined. Conclusions and practical recommendations will contribute to solving problems of improving quality, safety and competitiveness, as well as increasing export potential of domestic food and agricultural products.
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