Early evolution ofnew ly born m agnetars w ith a strong toroidaleld
A B ST R A C T W e present a state-of-the-art scenario for newly born m agnetars as strong sources ofGravitationalW aves(GW s)in the early daysafterform ation.W e addressseveral aspectsofthe astrophysicsofrapidly rotating,ultram agnetized neutron stars(NSs), including early cooling before transition to superuidity,the eects ofthe m agnetic �eldontheequilibrium shapeofNSs,theinternaldynam icalstateofafullydegenerate, obliquerotatorand thestrength oftheelectrom agnetictorqueon thenewly born NS. W e show that our scenario is consistent with recent studies ofSNRs surrounding AXPsand SGRsin theGalaxy thatconstrain theelectrom agneticenergy inputfrom the centralNS to be 6 10 51 erg (Vink & Kuiper2006).W e furthershow thatifthis condition ism et,then theGW signalfrom such sourcesispotentially detectablewith the forthcom ing generation ofGW detectorsup to Virgo clusterdistanceswhere an eventrate � 1/yrcan beestim ated (Stella etal.2005).Finally,wepointoutthatthe decay ofan internalm agneticeld in the 10 16 G range couples strongly to the NS cooling atvery early stages,thussignicantly slowing down both processes:theeld can rem ain thisstrong foratleast10 3 yrs,during which the core tem perature stays higherthan several �10 8 K.
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