Campus Bridging: Campus Leadership Engagement in Building a Coherent Campus Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Report

This workshop and preparation of this report and related documents were supported by several sources, including: National Science Foundation through grant #OCI-1059812 (Patrick Dreher PI; Craig A. Stewart; James Pepin; Guy Almes; Michael Mundrane Co-PIs) (Co-Principal Investigator) RENCI (the Renaissance Computing Institute, supported this workshop and report by generously providing the time and effort of Patrick Dreher and through underwriting of this effort by RENCI Director Stanley Ahalt Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute ( for funding staff providing logistical support of the task force activities, writing and editorial staff, and layout and production of the final report document. Texas A&M University ( supported this workshop and report by generously providing the time and effort of Guy Almes. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute, or Indiana University.
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