The effects of gender ethnicity and a close relationship theme on perceptions of persons introducing a condom.

A vignette methodology was used to examineperceptions of condom introducers on sixcondom-relevant,multi-item scales (Nice, Exciting, Sexually Attractive,Promiscuous, Good Relationship Partner,Unpersonable/Personable) in a university student sample of 133 MexicanAmericans and 110 Whites. Data were analyzed in a 2(gender of participant) ×2 (gender of condomintroducer) ×3 (low acculturated Mexican American,high acculturated Mexican American, White) ×2(presence/absence of close relationship theme) analysisof variance and covariance. Women rated condomintroducers significantly higher than men on the Nicescale, female condom introducers were rated significantly higherthan male condom introducers on the Nice scale, andcondom introducers who expressed a care andresponsibility theme while introducing a condom wererated significantly higher on the Nice scale than those whoexpressed no theme. The female condom introducer wasrated significantly higher than the male condomintroducer on the Exciting scale. Condom introducers whoexpressed a care and responsibility theme were ratedsignificantly higher than those who expressed no themeon the Good Relationship Partner scale. In a two-wayinteraction between gender of participant and gender of condom introducer, men rated the femalecondom introducer significantly higher than women on thePromiscuous scale. In another two-way interactionbetween gender of condom introducer and ethnicity, low acculturated Mexican Americans rated the femalecondom introducer significantly higher than the malecondom introducer on the Promiscuous scale. Lowacculturated Mexican Americans rated the condomintroducer significantly higher than Whites on theSexually Attractive scale. There were no significantmain or interaction effects of the independent variableson the Unpersonable/Personable scale.
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