A One-tenth Real Time Sat Image Processor For Ers-1

The Australian Governmsnt ia moat interested in the ER3-1 prodeat, funding eoae spaoe segment work on the Along Traok Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) and, on the brth aegment, funding the upgrading of its reoeiving and proceesing faoilities that are operated by the Australian Centre for Remote Sensing (ACRES), The reoeiving etation at Alioe Springs le being upgraded for ERS-1 with the a ddition of en X bancl reoelve ohain and modifloations to the antenna pointing equipment. The data proceeeing faoilities are to be eupplied with a faet delivery proceseor for 8AR 'linage'' mode data that will also prooecse, other ERS-1 data. This paper deaosibes the work being undertsken in Auetralia, concentrating on those aspeote being undertaken by the authore' oompany. Moat notioeable of theee is a fast delivery proceesor that promieee to be a leader in performanoe and prioe. The hardware le heed on low oast cuetom made veotor proaeeeore at taohed to aommercial oomguting equipment and a oontinuous proceseing algorithm is under development. &gh quality imagery will be produoed that will readily statiafy ESAls reguirementa for thle clam of prooeaaing.
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