Toolkit de design centrado no humano para o mini morar

EnglishThe constant changes in human living conditions show that people react flexibly and creatively by enabling new conditions and configurations for their housing needs. These transformations follow the fringes of academic discussions that try, for a century, to measure the levels of dwelling performance in centimeters. It is believed that these discussions fail to take people's lead in solving the problems they face everyday. That is: it is believed that dwelling can be approached in a participatory and holistic way, to boost the desirable transformations of individuals and society. This article presents a research that proposes the human centered design – HDC to increase the protagonism of the people, stimulate the empathy of the project professionals and renew the understandings about habitability, usability and residential satisfaction in compact dwelling, especially among users of lower income. The goal is to share the development process and application of the ‘hear tools’ that make up Mini Morar, a HCD toolkit. These tools include an online questionnaire and an in-depth immersion deck, with playful aspect that lends the protagonism of the users and stimulates a relaxed dialogue. Its application prioritized female users as research informants. The results contribute to the updating and complementation of the concepts and attributes that define and promote habitability, usability and residential satisfaction through minimum space and income. These results may support researchers and project professionals in their research and development activities for innovation in the civil construction, industrial production, service and public service sectors, in order to benefit the quality of life of users of the compact dwelling, especially the lower income users. These results include the review of eleven attributes for habitability, usability and residential satisfaction in compact dwelling according to their users (in order of relevance): furniture, roominess, ambiance, comfort, storage, conservation, value, idleness, condominium and control. The considerations reiterate that it is possible to foster convergence and improve the results of ergonomics, architecture and design methodologies in the projects destined to compact dwelling through a transdisciplinary approach, instrumented by a HCD toolkit that is proper for these projects. portuguesA transformacao historica da habitacao demonstra que as pessoas se adequam as mais diversas condicoes de vida e que reagem a essas condicoes com criatividade, viabilizando novos e novos modos de morar. Aparentemente, essa transformacao nao se beneficia de uma antiga discussao academica que mede em centimetros os niveis de desempenho da habitacao e que toma das pessoas o protagonismo na resolucao dos problemas que elas vivenciam todos os dias. A habitacao deve ser concebida de maneira participativa, para impulsionar as transformacoes desejaveis dos individuos e da sociedade. Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa que propoe o design centrado no humano – DCH para ampliar o protagonismo das pessoas, estimular a empatia dos profissionais de projeto e renovar as compreensoes sobre a habitabilidade, a usabilidade do mobiliario domestico e a satisfacao residencial na habitacao compacta, sobretudo entre os usuarios de menor renda. O objetivo e compartilhar o processo de criacao do toolkit de DCH destinado ao levantamento de dados sobre o habitar compacto e de menor renda junto as usuarias, como informantes de pesquisa. As ferramentas desse toolkit incluem um questionario online e um baralho de imersao in loco, cujo aspecto ludico atribui o protagonismo as usuarias, bem como estimula um dialogo profundo e descontraido com elas. Os resultados que foram obtidos com esse toolkit contribuem para a atualizacao e a complementacao dos conceitos e dos atributos que definem a habitabilidade e que proporcionam a satisfacao habitacional. Proporcionam aos pesquisadores e aos profissionais de projeto um rol de informacoes que fomentam a inovacao nas suas atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Tambem fomentam a inovacao nos setores da construcao civil, da producao industrial, da prestacao de servicos e do servico publico, de modo a beneficiar a qualidade de vida de todos os usuarios da habitacao compacta, sobretudo os usuarios de menor renda.
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