Ampliación del hangar n° 2 Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas España

The necessity to carry out maintenance work on Iberia's AIRBUS planes obligates this company to enlarge hangar n.° 2, up till now intended for standard type planes. After a study of diverse proposals: isostatic double-supported beam, mixed portico of reinforced concrete and metal beam, etc. and taking into account the limitations of height and the obligation of air space, call for a structure with a maximum thickness of 6,50 m, the solution was adopted of a latticed metalic beam of 125,60 of length (110,60 m between axes of supports and two projections of 7,5 m anchored in the foundations), 3,00 m wide and 6,50 m thick. The beam was partially prefabricated in the factory and it took seven days to position it.
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