[Treatment of cardial varicose bleeding by trans-ileocolic vein obliteration combined with endoscopic injection sclerotherapy].

: In the past 4 years, 11 patients with cardial varix bleeding were experienced. The cardial varices were of 2 types, nodular and serpentine. The nodular varices were caused by gastro-renal shunt and the site of bleeding often existed on the posterior wall. The serpentine cardial varices were an extension of esophageal varices, and the site of bleeding was often on the lesser curvature. The nodular varices had an abundant blood flow. When EIS was performed to these varices independently, the time of contact with the sclerosing agent was so short that no therapeutic effect was obtained. For the purpose of decreasing the blood flow in these varices, TIO was performed first and then EIS was used in the treatment of four cases of nodular varix bleeding. Hemostasis was obtained in two of the four cases with TIO alone, and after the addition of EIS a good hemostatic and varix-reducing effect was noted in all four cases.
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