Integración de información geológica en un Sistema de Información Geográfico con objetivos arqueométricos

We present details of the work carried out within the framework of a research project funded by the Regional Government of Galicia, Spain, titled “Pb and Sr Isotopes in archaeological pottery from Galicia: a provenance study of the raw materials and their access,” in order to define the methodology and working protocols required in order to be able to manage archaeological, archaeometric and geological information from the MAGNA50 geological map of Spain as a part of a Geographical Information System. The aim of this study is to define in a faster, more direct and reliable way the sources of the potential raw materials used for ancient pottery recovered from archaeological sites in Galicia. Due to a lack of archaeological research in this field in the region, the working process was complex. Its results are of great benefit and use to archaeometry, the thematic framework for this work. We discuss the potential of this study in relation to future research projects.
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