Growth rate and trapping efficacy of nematode-trapping fungi under constant and fluctuating temperatures.

The effect of temperature on radial growth and predatory activity of different isolates of nematode-trapping fungi was assessed. Four isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans and one isolate of Arthrobotrys oligospora were inoculated on petri dishes containing either corn-meal agar (CMA) or faecal agar and then incubated for 14 days under three different constant and fluctuating temperature regimes. The radial growth was similar on the two substrates at each temperature regime. All fungal isolates showed a higher growth rate at a constant 20 °C. At 10° and 15 °C, all D. flagrans isolates showed very similar patterns of radial growth at both constant and fluctuating temperatures. At 20 °C, they grew significantly faster at constant than at fluctuating temperatures. A. oligospora grew significantly faster than all D. flagrans isolates except when incubated at a fluctuating 20 °C. Spores of each fungal isolate were added to faecal cultures containing eggs of Cooperia oncophora at a concentration of 6250 spores/g faeces. The cultures were incubated for 14 days at the same temperature regimes described above. Control faeces (without fungal material) were also cultured. More larvae were recovered from the fungus-treated cultures incubated at a constant 10° or 15 °C than from those incubated at the respective fluctuating temperatures, except for one D. flagrans isolate. Incubation at 20 °C showed the opposite effect. The general reduction observed in the number of nematode larvae due to fungal trapping was 18–25% and 48–80% for a constant and fluctuating 10 °C, 70–96% and 93–95% for a constant and fluctuating 15 °C, and 63–98% and 0–25% for a constant and fluctuating 20 °C, respectively.
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