Implementing Historical Aspects of Majapahit Empire in A Turn Based Strategy Game

Introducing a nation to the outsider is to introduce the history of the nation. History is an identity, pride and the origin of a nation. If we want to know a nation, then we will find out the history of the nation first. From the nations history, we will understand what kind of life values upheld by the people and also their culture. Game is a media that is easily understood by people of all ages and easy to understand all the nations because they do not involve a certain language. Games also have standard and simple rules which are easy to be understood. With these advantages, a game is a medium which is suitable for presenting history of a nation to the world. At the same time, as a means to introduce the nations history to its own citizens in interesting ways. Game strategy is chosen because it would give players an experience. This experience is an effective way to take someone on an understanding of the conditions which are experienced. Therefore, building a game that simulates an experience of the history of the nation is an effective way to guide the future generation to understand and appreciate the values of existing as well as maintaining the good things that have been championed by his predecessor. This paper describes a game which simulated an important history of Indonesia. This game will give its players an experience how to conquer all the kingdoms in Indonesia at Majapahit time. Majapahit conquered almost the same area as modern Indonesia. So, Majapahit can be a representation as Indonesia at the ancient time. The main goal of this game is how to make the player understand that Indonesia, contains many people groups, will be unite if we have a common goal and not only surpass other groups but also keep all the group save from enemies from outside region. The aim of this game is to present political system, socio-cultural and trade in the era of the Majapahit as background preparation of a strategy to unite all regions in Indonesia. These aspects impact each other and still have influent upon modern Indonesia. So, this game can be a representation of Indonesia.
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