Observation of multi-channel non-local transport in J-TEXT plasmas

Author(s): Shi, Y; Chen, Z; Yang, Z; Shi, P; Zhao, K; Diamond, PH; Kwon, J; Yan, W; Zhou, H; Pan, X; Cheng, Z; Chen, Z; Yang, S; Zhang, C; Li, D; Dong, Y; Wang, L; Ding, Y; Liang, Y; Hahn, S; Jhang, H; Na, YS | Abstract: © 2018 IAEA, Vienna. In cold pulse experiments in J-TEXT, not only are rapid electron temperature increases in the core observed, but also steep rises in the inner density are found. Moreover, some evidence of acceleration of the core toroidal rotation is also observed during the non-local transport process of electron temperature. These new findings of cold pulse experiments in J-TEXT suggest that turbulence spreading is a possible mechanism for the non-local transport dynamics.
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