血清肝炎の予防に関する研究 第1篇 献血・預血液による血清肝炎の発生と献血者の分析

The occurrence of serum hepatitis in the Okayama University Medical School and its affiliated hospitals for a period from September 1966 to June 1967 was studied. A special attention was paid on the usefulness of volantary blood donor for the pervention of serum hepatitis. The results were as follows: 1. Out of 178 cases, 18 (10.1%) developed serum hepatitis, and 3 (1.7%) were jaundiced. The incidence of serum hepatitis in the subjects who recieved blood from voluntary donors was apparently lower than that of the subjects received blood from paid donors. 2. Among the causative etiology for serum hepatitis, the area of donors residence was proved to be as important as the amount of transfused blood. 3. A histry of viral hepatitis was found at the rate of 0.8% and the elevated activity of S-GOT over 40 units was observed at 0.7% in the blood donors. The donors with a previous history of viral hepatitis and elevated activity of S GOT in the same subject was rather rare, and it was scarcely found overlap of the history and abnormal S GOT. 4. It was re-confirmed that the examination of S-GOT of donors was valuable for the screening of infective donors on the basis of age distribution of the donors with abnormal S-GOT as well as reduced incidence of serum hepatitis through exclusion of the abnormal donors. 5. The residence areas of the infective donors were in accordance with the areas where infective hepatitis has been preveiled.
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