Нерешенные вопросы развития общей врачебной (семейной) практики в Красноярском крае

The research of general medical (family) practice development in Krasnoyarsk territory was done. It was revealed, that from 2005 in rural area in Krasnoyarsk territory, general medical (family) practice is developed swiftly, because of training of doctors of general medical practice in Krasnoyarsk state medical academy. At the same time, work style of functioned doctors of general medical practice is not differing from work of medical ambulance station. It connects with some unsolved problems. For successful work of general medical practice in Krasnoyarsk territory some factors are necessary: development and statement of standards of diagnostics and treatment in general medical practice; development of labor contract form, which is made with doctor of general medical practice, medical sister of general medical practice and other employees; development of the training program for assistant of doctor of general medical practice from the graduates of the faculty of high education of medical sisters; development of training programs for paramedical personnel for work in conditions of general medical practice.
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