Muscle tension line concept in nasolabial muscle complex--based on 3-dimensional reconstruction of nasolabial muscle fibers.

BACKGROUND: Plastic surgeons have attempted various ways to rebuild the aesthetic subunits of the upper lip in patients with cleft lip with less than perfect results in most cases. We propose that repairing the 3 muscle tension line groups in the nasolabial complex will have improved aesthetic results. METHODS: Micro-computed tomographic scans were performed on the nasolabial tissues of 5 normal aborted fetuses and used to construct a 3-dimensional model to study the nasolabial muscle complex structure. RESULTS: The micro-computed tomographic (CT) scans showed the close relationship and interaction between the muscle fibers of nasalis, pars peripheralis, levator labii superioris, and pars marginalis. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the 2-dimensional images obtained from the micro-computed tomographic scans, we suggest the concept of nasolabial muscle complex and muscle tension line group theory: there is a close relationship among the alar part of the nasalis, depressor septi muscle, orbicularis oris muscle, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. The tension line groups are 3 tension line structures in the nasolabial muscle complex that interlock with each other at the intersections and maintain the specific shape and aesthetics of the lip and nose.
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